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Welcome to LA Sharpening

Focusing on high quality products and service, we establish a strong relationship with our customers. This enables us to work with each client to aid them to meet their needs with equipment, products and education. We aim to empower our clients with knowledge and care.

Come visit us at our new location! 9868-33 Ave, Edmonton.

Free Shipping on orders over $250.00 within Alberta. Large items to P.O. boxes excluded from free shipping.

Multimedia collage


Find your new clippers in this collection, featuring different brands and styles. 


Find blades from different companies to suit your clippers and your needs 

Envirogroom Shampoo

Welcome to the Envirogroom family. Highly concentrated shampoo is in this collection,... 

LA Sharpening Shop

  • Shears

    From shears to blenders, we carry high quality brands at affordable prices. Constanly developing new products for groomers, our signature brands go through multiple testing phases to bring groomers the best product available.

    Shear Collection 
  • Clippers

    We carry the top brands of clippers in the world. Tried and true brands that have stood the test of time. Groomers can feel confident when purchasing any of our brands of clippers that they will last and work right out of the box.

    Clipper Collections 
  • Blades

    The blades we carry brand name blades that are stable and reliable. Our blades will fit any clippers. We also continue to develop materials for groomers. Our signature blades are presently being tested and will be released in the near future.

  • Accessories and Equipment

    From bio-thene loops to E-Z dryers, belly bands and and equipment cases. We carry a variety of accessories to make the groomers work easier.

    Accessories Collection 
  • Envirogroom

    We carry the full line of Envirogroom, including the Special FX line. Complete with cologne, conditioner spray and ear cleaner.

  • Brushes & Combs

    Always on the hunt for new products, we test and carry several brushes and combs to service all coat types.

    Brushes and combs 
  • Artero

    Find all your favorite Artero products here. Shampoos/conditioners, sprays, cat products, brushes and combs and so much more. The Artero brand is a favorite of groomers worldwide! Their products have a long standing reputation of quailty and performance.

    Artero Products 
  • Testers Wanted

    We are constantly developing and testing new products. If you are interested in becoming a tester and receive products at a huge discount, let us know about you and how awesome you are!

    Tester Info 
  • Cat Grooming

    Cats have their own special grooming needs and you'll find products that suit those fancy felines in your shop.

    cat grooming 
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