How many times have you oiled your blades? Do you think that oiling blades is a waste of time? Do you know how to oil your blades?
Not many groomers understand the advantage or oiling blades, and even less understand how to oil their blades.
Let's start with the why of oiling blades. When you oil your blades, it reduces the friction between the cutting blade and the base. The cutting blade is the part that moves back and forth really fast. This motion sets up friction on the base of the blade. Friction, caused heat. And metal is a great conductor of heat which means it heats up very fast and can stay hot for a significant amount of time. Oil makes the cutting part slide easier along the base. This reduces the friction and the blade will stay cool longer while working.
Not only will it stay cool for will stay sharper for longer too. How does this oil magic work, you may ask?
When metal gets hot, it also gets soft. Think of a sword maker, they heat the metal so it becomes soft so they can hammer it into a sword.
When your blade gets hot, it gets soft. If you keep running the blade hot, it dulls when soft. And the more friction, the more rubbing the blade does which also wears down the But, oiling it will keep the friction lowered and the blade sliding smoothly, which keeps the edge sharp. No oil = hot, soft, worn down blade which means...more $$$$ for you!
When should you oil your blades? At least once a day and after you've cleaned them in solution and definitely after you've groom a dirty greasy dog or cat.
Happy grooming!